Tilapia Strains

Nile tilapia strains


Big Nin

Mag Nin

Prominent point

Presently the most widely cultured strain of Nile tilapia in Thailand.

A faster growing strain of Nile tilapia.

A fast-growing strain with a short & thick body shape.


Produced by the International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM, based in Philippines) from a wide genetic base of wild and farmed strains.

Reported to be developed from the GIFT strain and acquired by Nam Sai from a hatchery in the Philippines.

It is created by crossing a developed line of GIFT improved for growth (high disease-resistance) and an improved Big Nin line (grows fast to a large size).


400 g in 6 months (from 0.2 g) in fertilized ponds and 740 g in fed ponds or cages.

450 g in 6 months (from 0.2 g) in fertilized ponds and 800 g in fed ponds or cages.

450 g in 6 months (from 0.2 g) in fertilized ponds and 820 g in fed ponds or cages.

Fillet yield

Moderate to Good

Moderate to Good

Slightly higher than GIFT


6 months

6 months

6 months

Egg yield

30 – 50 eggs/m2/day in spawning hapas

30 – 50 eggs/m2/day in spawning hapas

30 – 50 eggs/m2/day in spawning hapas

Disease resistance




Nile tilapia strains


Prominent point

Presently the most widely cultured strain of Nile tilapia in Thailand.


Produced by the International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM, based in Philippines) from a wide genetic base of wild and farmed strains.


400 g in 6 months (from 0.2 g) in fertilized ponds and 740 g in fed ponds or cages.

Fillet yield

Moderate to Good


6 months

Egg yield

30 – 50 eggs/m2/day in spawning hapas

Disease resistance


Big Nin

Prominent point

A faster growing strain of Nile tilapia.


Reported to be developed from the GIFT strain and acquired by Nam Sai from a hatchery in the Philippines.


450 g in 6 months (from 0.2 g) in fertilized ponds and 800 g in fed ponds or cages.

Fillet yield

Moderate to Good


6 months

Egg yield

30 – 50 eggs/m2/day in spawning hapas

Disease resistance


Mag Nin

Prominent point

A fast-growing strain with a short & thick body shape.


It is created by crossing a developed line of GIFT improved for growth (high disease-resistance) and an improved Big Nin line (grows fast to a large size).


450 g in 6 months (from 0.2 g) in fertilized ponds and 820 g in fed ponds or cages.

Fillet yield

Slightly higher than GIFT


6 months

Egg yield

30 – 50 eggs/m2/day in spawning hapas

Disease resistance


Red tilapia strains

Thai Red

Taiwanese Red

R2 Red

Prominent point

Fat and round body, fast growing

Vivid red and relatively disease resistant

Fast growing, nice body shape, big girth, vivid red and relatively disease resistant. Used for all of Nam Sai’s red tilapia monosex production.


Introduced into Thailand in the seventies and came to Nam Sai from the Thai National Aquatic Genetics Research Institute (NAGRI) in 2000.

Acquired from a local hatchery who imported a few fish from Taiwan in 1997. Nam Sai spent 4 years improving the colour of this strain before introducing it to the Thai market in 2001.

This is an F1 hybrid which created by crossing two lines. One line is a developed strain based on the Thai red and the second line is based on a developed Taiwanese red resulting in some hybrid vigour.


(Not reared in fertilized ponds in Thailand)

730 g in 6 months (from 0.2 g) in fed ponds or cages.

700 g in 6 months (from 0.2 g) in fed ponds or cages.

780 g in 6 months (from 0.2 g) in fed ponds or cages.

Fillet yield

Moderate to Good


Moderate to Good


6 months

6 months

6 months

Egg yield

30 – 50 eggs/m2/day in spawning hapas

30 – 50 eggs/m2/day in spawning hapas

30 – 50 eggs/m2/day in spawning hapas

Disease resistance

Low to Moderate



Red tilapia strains

Thai Red

Prominent point

Fat and round body, fast growing


Introduced into Thailand in the seventies and came to Nam Sai from the Thai National Aquatic Genetics Research Institute (NAGRI) in 2000.


(Not reared in fertilized ponds in Thailand)

730 g in 6 months (from 0.2 g) in fed ponds or cages.

Fillet yield

Moderate to Good


6 months

Egg yield

30 – 50 eggs/m2/day in spawning hapas

Disease resistance

Low to Moderate

Taiwanese Red

Prominent point

Vivid red and relatively disease resistant


Acquired from a local hatchery who imported a few fish from Taiwan in 1997. Nam Sai spent 4 years improving the colour of this strain before introducing it to the Thai market in 2001.


(Not reared in fertilized ponds in Thailand)

700 g in 6 months (from 0.2 g) in fed ponds or cages.

Fillet yield



6 months

Egg yield

30 – 50 eggs/m2/day in spawning hapas

Disease resistance


R2 Red

Prominent point

Fast growing, nice body shape, big girth, vivid red and relatively disease resistant. Used for all of Nam Sai’s red tilapia monosex production.


This is an F1 hybrid which created by crossing two lines. One line is a developed strain based on the Thai red and the second line is based on a developed Taiwanese red resulting in some hybrid vigour.


(Not reared in fertilized ponds in Thailand)

780 g in 6 months (from 0.2 g) in fed ponds or cages.

Fillet yield

Moderate to Good


6 months

Egg yield

30 – 50 eggs/m2/day in spawning hapas

Disease resistance


Did you know?

Red tilapia skin colour is environmentally-related. Is red in “green water” ponds and cages in clear water. Goes pale in concrete tanks and cages in rivers with high turbidity. Colour can be improved with feed.